For BODHI PROJECT Lachky works on a new piece called „sens interdit“. A piece about perso- nalities, character and caricature. A comic put on stage - fast, bizarre, wonderful, hilarious! The dancers are challenged and pushed to their limits. They explore physicality which leads them into a unique and specific movement vocabulary. This vocabulary creates a landscape of carica- ture personalities. In the framework of a quirky and loving family, each of them has a place and position. We zoom in to a special occasion for the family and there you will find their special stories and obsessions that become a miraculous movement adventure. Let yourself dive in and let this experience soak in to your senses!
Sens Interdit premiered on October 14th 2013 in ArgeKultur Salzburg.
pictures : © SensoReye
CHOREOGRAPHY BY Anton Lachky in collaboration with the dancers DANCED BY BODHI PROJECT with Chris Sta Maria, Kenan Dinkelmann, Luan de Lima da Silva, Luna Cenere, Mami Izumi, Patrik Kelemen ASSISTANT Joshua Hainese PRODUCTION Anton Lachky Company in collaboration with SEAD's BODHI PROJECT SPECIAL THANKS TO Susan Quinn, Maja Poturovic and Joshua Haines.