pictures © Hubert Lankes
DANCED BY: Peter Jasko, Milan Herich, Ásgeir Helgi Magnússon, Beatrice Debrabant
PRODUCTION: Seventyseven vzw
COPRODUCTION: KVS Brussels, CHARLEROI-DANSES Centre Chorégraphique de la fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden, Danscentrum Jette
RÉALISÉ AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE: la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles
For Anton Lachky's first autonomous production Mind a Gap, each of the 4 dancers created a cartoon-like character that lives in Tonoland. These characters are hard to recognise since they are not based on actual existing cartoon figures. They each normally live in their own scripted specific part of this fairy fantasyland where they live out their specific story lines. They all come together in one tale where none of them knows the story. They move along the imperfection that this new twisted story offers them and get lost in the adventure which they discover on the way.
Mind a Gap is developed around the unique physicality of the performers and their ability to create a character. This piece is a celebration of the dancing body, a tribute to his inventiveness and his ability to create a direct, instinctive communication between people. The essence of this work is to establish a strong physicality to highlight the beauty and power of the moving body. Shown in a scenography without frills, structured improvisation will alternate with a written choreography.
““Wo Tonoland liegt, oder ob es dieses wirklich gibt, wissen wir nach einer Stunde nicht. Aber wir wissen, dass die Reise mit diesen Tänzern unbedingt lohnt, und dass sie wahrscheinlich über jede Lücke bestens springen können.””
“Merito, soprattutto, dei danzatori che esplodono in scena di virtuosismo e tecnica e incantano tutti per dinamismo e carisma.”
“... les danseurs de “Tono” se sont unis comme les doigts d’une main totalement féerique, pour nous offrir, même si tout n’est pas encore dir, “le” cadeau de ce festival de Champ-Fleuri. A notre Humble avis, si on décernait des prix, celui du public en particulier, on offrirait de bon coeur le super trophée à ces sacrés danseurs””